Available Dolls

Below you’ll find the latest collection of my New Dolls. If you are interested please feel free to contact me via mail: ankiedaanen@hotmail.com


Mr. Something Else

TITLE: Mr. Something Else
DIMENSIONS: 25” high
DESCRIPTION: This doll is made to give you a smile on your face. A funny guy dressed in a fancy costume.


TITLE: Pierrot
DIMENSIONS: 27” high
DESCRIPTION: Always a lovely doll to fit in your collection. Always great colours: black and white!!

Black and White on Wooden Shoes

TITLE: Black and White on Wooden Shoes
DIMENSIONS: 23” high
DESCRIPTION: Of course, when your shoes are wooden shoes, then your pet is a pig!! Dressed in black chiffon and white embellishments complete the costume.

A Black and White Performance

TITLE: A Black and White Performance
DESCRIPTION: When I walk in the street my eye always takes a second look to somebody who is dressed in Blak and White. I like the expressive look of it.
So this doll needs definitely a second look to admire her exquisite costume.

Naughty in Black and Red

TITLE: Naughty in Black and Red
DIMENSIONS: 28” high
DESCRIPTION: This girl is dressed in a special fake leather dress combined with red embellishments.

Dreaming in Silver colours

TITLE: Dreaming in Silver colours
DIMENSIONS: 28,5″ high
DESCRIPTION: This girl is an innocent girl, dressed in pieces from a vintage dress that I bought a long time ago in a vintage shop in Gibraltar. I always like to add a bright colour, and in this dress it is orange and pink.

My melody for you

TITLE: My melody for you
DIMENSIONS: 21,5″ high 10” wide
DESCRIPTION: Finding this lovely cello made me put it into the hands of a sentimental doll, the Pierrot.
Ask him for a certain song, and he will play it for you.


TITLE: Pierette
DIMENSIONS: 30″ high
DESCRIPTION: Pieces of interesting fabrics always are a trigger to me to create a doll.
The fabric for this doll came from a very high-end store and was a blouse. I loved the black and white and immediately saw a Pierette in it.

Charming in Black and Grey

TITLE: Charming in Black and Grey
DIMENSIONS: 24″ high and 11”wide
DESCRIPTION: Pieces of interesting fabrics always are a trigger to me to create a doll.
These pieces come from many different places, and they unite in a lovely unique doll costume in this doll. A puppet is in her hands ready for a performance.

Magic Moments

TITLE: Magic Moments.
DIMENSIONS: 21″ high
DESCRIPTION: When I did find a piece of a wedding dress embellished with the white feathers and the stiff creamy fabric, a girl popped up in my mind wearing these materials as a dress. And here she is…

Mister Eagle

TITLE: Mister Eagle.
DIMENSIONS: 23″ wide and 24.5” high
DESCRIPTION: Making animals behaving like real people, and finding the wide metal wings made me create this charming Mister Eagle. I wanted his costume to look rich, like he was a kind of a king in the world of the eagles.


TITLE: Pinokkio
DIMENSIONS: 20″ high and 17”wide
DESCRIPTION:I not often make a excisting figure, but Pinokkio is too much fun! I found this bike and as you can see, Pinokkio is on his way to his friend, good books with great lies in them on the back of the bike. He will ask his friend who can tell the best lies!!!

Fred the Frog

TITLE: Fred the Frog
DIMENSIONS: 20.5″ high and 8.5” wide
DESCRIPTION: The making of this doll started with my idea about animals behaving like a human. It was a lot of fun to create Fred, making him look like a person but also as a frog.

More than a Mermaid

Golden Mermaid

Who is the Real Prince?